

Campaign “I have right to learn”

Campaign “I have right to learn”

First: The idea

Young people in Hadhramout are suffering of illiteracy and unemployment. Most of them are depressed. So, some of them had tried to do things not related to Islam and our customs and traditions. Other young people had informed us that they want to learn but they are suffering of poverty and can’t afford the costs of learning. As a result, we decided to plan to do such campaign.

Second: The target

Young people between 15 – 35 both males and females who had no desire to learn and head to wrong directions.

Third: The period

Long-term time.

Fourth: Geographic location

It starts in Mukalla city. Then, it would expand to other cities with high population to cover all Hadhramout governorate.

Fifth: Work plan

It is divided into three stages:

Before implementation stage:

1.     Contact with governor and local authority to facilitate some governmental procedures.

2.     Contact with Mayors of zones and organize session with them.

3.     Create father’s council for affective people on young people.

4.     Contact with youth, volunteer, and sport teams.

5.     Contact with religious figures and affective young people.

6.     Advertising to demand voluntary services from young people males and females.

Implementation stage:

·        Making surveys to targeted ones in zones. Then, trying to pursue them to enroll the classes. Just in case they wouldn’t, fathers will be pursued to make their sons and daughters to enroll classes.

·        Using FM local radio stations to promote the campaign. In addition to Friday sermons in mosques.

·        Gathering and analyzing data to recognize the obstacles and find solutions cooperating with local authority in governorate and education ministry office in Hadhramout.


After implementation stage:

1.     Mingle them in all stages and activities of foundation.

2.     Help them completing education through illiteracy facility, primary education, secondary, or even university.

Sixth: The objectives

1.     Getting database and statistics useful for foundation.

2.     Cutting illiteracy and leaking out of education.

3.     Educate values and good customs.

4.     Widen the targeted ones’ understanding to deal with technology effectively.

5.     Cutting crimes and bad customs that were spreading among targeted ones.

Seventh: Outputs

1.     Aware and educated generation.

2.     Young people are recognizing education importance.

3.     Getting generations deal with continuous development.

4.     Covering spare time.

5.     Cutting the bad phenomenon that are almost dominant in society.