World Arabic Language Day (18 December)


December 18 is the World Arabic Language Day, where the international community celebrates Arabic and its contributions to humanity. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated the day in 2010 in order to “celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity.” December 18 was chosen as the date for the Arabic language as it is the day in 1973 when the General Assembly approved Arabic as an official language of the United Nations.


UN Arabic Language Day is observed annually on December 18. The event was established by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2010 to seeking "to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six of its official working languages throughout the organization". December 18 was chosen as the date for the Arabic language as it is "the day in 1973 when the General Assembly approved Arabic as an official UN language ".


World Arabic Language Day is a call to promote the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world as a crucial element in the cultural wealth of humanity. The Arabic language, in its classical form and its many dialects, is a global language in which the identities, beliefs and aspiration of peoples across the five continents are expressed. It is a bridge between cultures and a practical way of adding to knowledge, perceptions and mutual understanding for peace.


When we celebrate the Arabic language every year on 18 December, we also acknowledge its immense contribution to science and universal culture, including philosophy and the arts. Each year, the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture pays tribute to individuals, groups or institutions for their dedicated work and outstanding achievements in the diffusion of broad knowledge of Arab art and culture.